Hammurabi's Code Explained
World History

Hammurabi's Code Explained

Here's a terrific short clip on Hammurabi's Code and it's influence today.

- Qr Generator For Google Drive
You can use a QR code generator for any of your Google Drive documents to use in your classroom, but if you want to keep a list of them, then you need to go to the Google site that will shrink your link and give you a QR code which it will keep for you...

- Qr Code For Bio Or Contact Information
Today I am presenting to my county's social studies chairs on QR (quick read) codes.  You probably have seen then all over.   To generate a QR code simply enter your page (Google Drive or web) here. There are many different QR...

- Mesopotamia And Trade

- Qr (quick Reference) Apps
One of the apps I have been working with this week are QR (quick reference) scan codes.  The film above shows you how to use it and some uses for it.  Here are some additional uses for it in the classroom.  If you want to download it to...

- Short Video Clips Of Museum Art And Objects
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World History
