QR (Quick Reference) Apps
World History

QR (Quick Reference) Apps

One of the apps I have been working with this week are QR (quick reference) scan codes.  The film above shows you how to use it and some uses for it.  Here are some additional uses for it in the classroom.  If you want to download it to your Android device, use this link and go here for the Apple ones.   In a nutshell if you do not have enough laptops for your students, you could make a QR code (it takes two seconds).   Then, for example, you could use a PR code to link to a reading for the day or a quiz or even to homework.  The last item is nice because not all the students like to write it down or even type it on their phones, so they would just scan it and go.  You could also change the assignment without changing the QR code.    

- Qr Codes
This is a nice video explaining how to make QR codes and even make them in a variety of colors.    The post also mentions how you could create (see the pictures above) multiple QR codes on a page of paper (I just pass around one and have them...

- Qr Code For Bio Or Contact Information
Today I am presenting to my county's social studies chairs on QR (quick read) codes.  You probably have seen then all over.   To generate a QR code simply enter your page (Google Drive or web) here. There are many different QR...

- How To Use Qr Codes In The Classroom
My teacher students were rather eager to learn about how to use QR codes in the classroom for homework or other uses.  So after class I created the video above to show how to use it.  I explain all the steps from creating a webpage for your...

- Smartphone As Your Computer
Sorry to be on such a smartphone kick, but I am trying to get used to my new phone quickly.  As most of you know you can edit your Google Docs items from any mobile device.  My students who have tried it get a kick out of working on their phone...

- Texting Students
Last year one of my fellow teachers starting Tweeting students their homework.  Not surprisingly almost everyone of her pupils signed up.  I've also written about how to set up an e-mail to your students' phones.  But here is a...

World History
