World History
QR Generator for Google Drive
You can use a QR code generator for any of your Google Drive documents to use in your classroom, but if you want to keep a list of them, then you need to go to the Google site that will shrink your link and give you a QR code which it will keep for you as long as you want.
Google Classroom
Until recently I was not convinced that Google Classroom was any better than Google Drive. But Google recently announced that you can now add apps on it and one might assume that it is going to get better. The best part is that the students...
Google Drive Templates
My son is working on an assignment on Jamestown (4th grade history in VA is VA history) and is writing a newspaper account about 1619. So we found this link to Google Drive documents' templates. But it also has links to Presentations...
Using Google Drive In Your Classroom
One of my former teacher-students, Amanda Lombardi has been proving for a long time that special education students are great for using technology in the classroom (and this year I am going to prove that with ESOL kids). Tomorrow she is doing an...
Faketext Sms Generator
I would love it if my county went to an opt out for login/password much as we do with Family Life Education as it would open so much more to my students. But until then it is great to have British teacher Russell Tarr and his great inventions such...
Google Drive
Google just announced that you will soon be able to soon upload 30 different types of digital media into Google Docs. You will then be able to manipulate and share them with others. So, forget about having to e-mail large files as you can...
World History