World History
The Story of India

The Story of India
This website has many useful links to various aspects of India's history. While it coincides with the PBS series "The Story of India," it does have stand-alone videos and matching lesson plans and activities. There are some amazing interactive photos as well. Useful for India
pre- and post 1500.
Looking for lots of free K-12 history lessons plans? is the place as it has hundreds of history and social studies related lesson plans. Also included is lesson plans relating to mythology and free PowerPoint presentations ready to be adapted...
Ancient India
FACTS-ABOUT-INDIA.Com has a nice subsection on the History of India. I am highlighting the Ancient India section here. It has subsections on Sources of Ancient Indian History, Pre Historic Period, Indus Valley Civilisation , and the Vedic Age. Another...
History Of India
History of India. This is a good summary overview to the history of the Asian nation of India. From the site: The people of India have had a continuous civilization since 2500 B.C., when the inhabitants of the Indus River valley developed an urban culture...
Teaching About India
Teaching about India. This essay has ideas for teaching about India. This includes dealing with the history of India.
From the site:
India, a significant area of Asia in the past, is a very important part of today's world. Therefore, the peoples...
The Story Of Sanskrit
The Story of Sanskrit from from Michael Palin's "The Story of India." It's only 4 1/2 minutes....
World History