Teaching about India
World History

Teaching about India

Teaching about India. This essay has ideas for teaching about India. This includes dealing with the history of India.

From the site:

India, a significant area of Asia in the past, is a very important part of today's world. Therefore, the peoples and places of India should be emphasized in the social studies curriculum. Consider the following statements, which justify a prominent place for India in the social studies education of young Americans.

1. India is the second most populated nation in the world. With over 700 million people, one out of five persons on this planet is from South Asia.

2. India's geographic position places the country strategically in control of the Indian Ocean basin. India is bordered by the Arabian Sea on the west, the Bay of Bengal on the east, the Indian Ocean on the south, and the Himalayan Mountains on the north.

3. More than 4,000 years ago, civilization flourished in the Indus River Valley at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Later, Indo-European invaders established their own civilization, which contributed greatly to human knowledge in several fields of learning. Of note is the concept of zero, which Indians passed on to the Arabs, from whom Europeans learned it.

4. India is the source of several religions. Hinduism is a world religion practiced by more than 700 million believers and dates back more than 3,000 years. Although most Hindus can be found in South Asia, the practice of Hinduism is worldwide. Also dating back to the ancient period was the formation of Buddhism, a religion that eventually spread throughout Asia. Other religions that developed in India include Jainism and Sikhism.

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World History
