World History
Historical Thinking Matters

Historical Thinking Matters - This site focuses on key topics in U.S. history in order to teach students how to read primary sources critically. It also stresses to students how to critique and construct historical narratives.
It is a project of the Center for History and New Media, George Mason University, and School of Education, Stanford University with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and additional support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
It was also the winner of the American Historical Association's 2008 James Harvey Robinson Prize for an Outstanding Teaching Aid.
From the site:Historical Thinking Matters is divided into three key sections that can be accessed from the homepage.
Why Historical Thinking Matters:
This Flash movie presents the pedagogical perspective of the site and introduces the concepts and strategies that students will use as they complete the four modules. This section requires a Macromedia Flash Player plug-in (Download) After clicking on ?View Why Historical Thinking Matters,? the movie will launch. Follow the prompts on the screen to view the sections of the movie and to complete the interactive elements of the presentation.
Student Investigations:
HTM includes four student investigations that focus on key topics in the standard post-Civil War U.S. History curriculum, which can be accessed by clicking on the images in the center of the homepage, or through the Student Investigations page. Each investigation is composed of the same five elements.
History Matters
History Matters. Designed for high school and college teachers of U.S. History courses. This site serves as a gateway to Web resources and offers useful materials for teaching U.S. history. From the site: Welcome to History Matters, a project of the American...
Teaching Needham’s Puzzle - Fostering Historical Thinking
Teaching Needham?s Puzzle - Fostering Historical Thinking. In this article, the author shares his teaching experience with regard to Needham's Puzzle and introduces online resources and teaching materials. He points out two difficulties he encounters...
Teaching History For Citizenship In The Elementary School
Teaching History for Citizenship in the Elementary School. What better place to teach history than when students are little and in elementary school?
From the site:
A substantial amount of research and curriculum development completed over the past...
Teaching Historical Thinking.
Teaching Historical Thinking. Students don't come to class ready to think about history. This paper examines ways that a teacher can teach historical thinking.
From the site:
Over the past decade, cognitive studies researcher Samuel Wineburg...
Reading Like A Historian: Stanford University
This Stanford University site has some great resources on teaching history with primary resources. Here is a description of a new part of the site that I coped directly: Reading Like a Historian, a project developed in tandem with the San Francisco Unified...
World History