Force Fitting Technology into the Classroom
World History

Force Fitting Technology into the Classroom

Last week Larry Ferlazzo interviewed me and Susie Boss for his radio show.  Ferlazzo is a leading innovator in tech education, a writer for Education Week and a classroom teacher.  We discussed the topic of which comes first, technology or content.  Perhaps you would be surprised with my answer.   Here is the interview. 

- Ken Halla's Summer In-services (so Far)
If you want to take a summer in-service with me this summer, there are a number to choose from below.  Click on the links to sign up and email me at if you want me to help you with one. Individualizing Instruction in the Classroom....

- The Special Education Classroom
In a few days I am going to some present to some special education teachers.  I make no bones about  the fact that I am a regular education teacher, but I share the room with one and have taught many of them in my technology integration course....

- Containerization Of The World & Ted Talks On Education
Thanks to a message on Google+ from Larry Ferlazzo for telling me that Ted Talks has now started an education channel.  Ted Talks are usually less than 15 minutes (fits nicely into the flipping the classroom concept) and on some innovation.  Above...

- A Little Plug!
This week Education Week has an article which gives me a few paragraphs and I owe you all a lot for it since your continued attention to this blog is what drew the author to interview me.  Above are two of my students working on a project I had my...

- Searching This Blog And I'm Offering A Tech Course This Fall
When I first thought of this blog (and if you are new to it, remember there are three: government, US and world and the links are in the upper right hand corner), I was happy just to be able to get a few posts up (total on all three) each week. ...

World History
