World History
The Special Education Classroom
In a few days I am going to some present to some special education teachers. I make no bones about the fact that I am a regular education teacher, but I share the room with one and have taught many of them in my technology integration course. So I did a lot of research and thought about what the special education teachers I know like and came up with this document of items that I am going to go over in the 90 minutes (yes I won't get to it all!). If you teach in a special education classroom, I'd appreciate some comments or e-mails ( with your suggestions.
Teaching The Bill Of Rights
Teaching the Bill of Rights. This paper presents a brief history of the American Bill of Rights with ideas for presenting the topic in the classroom.
From the site:
The two-hundredth anniversary of the federal Bill of Rights in 1991 is the culmination...
Popular Educational Hashtags
Now that Frank has me doing hashtags, I am glad I just found this Edudemic list of educational hashtags. Here are ones that can help you: The Most Popular Hashtags#edchat ? Education, worldwide (lots of US teachers). A really useful hashtag...
Did Jesus Have A Wife?
This is a fascinating article which discusses the fact that a piece of papyrus written in the 4th century refers to Jesus as discussing his wife and the fact that he had a female disciple. Of course, this has been a matter of conjecture for centuries....
Consulting For Your Department, School Or District
Have led 15 district-wide, in-services for Fairfax County, VA (12th largest district in the US), as well as international conferences such as the Global Education Conference. Initiated, piloted and implemented e-books for Fairfax County Public School...
Visual Statistics
This site is quite possibly the coolest one I have ever seen. (Thanks to FreeTech4Teachers for the link) Gapminder has tons of statistics that you can show your students in a visual format. Rather than dry charts and graphs, your students can see...
World History