World History
WWI Mandates in the Middle East
How did the modern Middle East develop? What was the mandate system established by the Versailles Treaty?
These are some of the questions that NPR tackled in this 2004 broadcast, which was part of a series called The Middle East and the West.
Medieval Bestiary: Animals In The Middle Ages
Medieval Bestiary: Animals in the Middle Ages - Annotated listing of materials related to the genre and on the subject of "animals in the Middle Ages" in general. Also listings are by author and subject. The annotations are well done although not all...
Middle Ages
Middle Ages Contains overview of life during Middle Ages including life in the towns, manors, the royal court, barons, medieval soldiers, peasants, and feudal system.
From the site:
The Middle Ages stretched roughly from the fifth century to the...
The Middle East: A Legacy Of Wwi
Here are a couple great stories about the origins of the conflict in the Middle East that you might want to book mark for next year when we cover World War I. In the first essay, The Middle East That France and Britain Drew Is Finally Unravelling, John...
Imperial History Of The Middle East
George and I both like these sets of 40 Middle Eastern maps which you can see in his recent post. But I thought I'd include the video above on the imperial history of the Middle East ...
Imperial History Of The Middle East
I saw this on Vox, which has a great series of maps about the Middle East--40 maps that Made the Middle East. Thanks to Emily Haug for tweeting the link....
World History