The Middle East: A Legacy of WWI
World History

The Middle East: A Legacy of WWI

Here are a couple great stories about the origins of the conflict in the Middle East that you might want to book mark for next year when we cover World War I.

In the first essay, The Middle East That France and Britain Drew Is Finally Unravelling, John B. Judis traces the roots of the problems today to the way Britain and France drew the borders in the Middle East after the first World War.

"What is happening is that the arrangements that the British and French created during and after World War I?which established the very existence of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Jordan, and later contributed to the creation of Israel?are unraveling," Judis argues.

In the second essay,The Last Crusade: The First World War and the Birth of Modern Islam Philip Jenkins traces the rise of modern Islam, including Islamic extremism, to the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the World War I.

"When the war started, the Ottoman Empire was the only remaining Islamic nation that could even loosely claim Great Power status."

- History Of Lebanon
History of Lebanon. This is a brief history of the perpetually troubled middle eastern nation of Lebanon. The emphasis is on recent history.The Encyclopædia Britannica notes, "Officially Republic of Lebanon , Arabic Lubnan , or al-Jumhuriyah al-Lubnaniyah...

- History Of Pakistan
History of Pakistan. This site is a brief essay on the history of the Asian nation of Pakistan. Unfortunately, it is mostly a modern history as it primarily focuses on the 20th Century. Wikipedia notes, "The Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: ??????...

- History Of Yemen
History of Yemen. This is a short but well written overview to the history of this Asian nation in the Middle East. From the site: Yemen was one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Near East. Between the 12th century BC and the 6th century AD,...

- Expansion & Demise Of Ottoman Empire: Map
  Check out this map showing the expansion and demise of the Ottoman Empire. Just click on it and it will take you to the interactive map.  I saw it along with other great Mid-East maps on Vox....

- Wwi Mandates In The Middle East
How did the modern Middle East develop? What was the mandate system established by the Versailles Treaty? These are some of the questions that NPR tackled in this 2004 broadcast, which was part of a series called The Middle East and the West....

World History
