Virtual Tours for Your Classroom
World History

Virtual Tours for Your Classroom

One of my favorite exercises when we get to the Renaissance is to show them a virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel as I love looking at the marvel of my students when they see what one person can do. This link will give you access to that tour as well as the Roman Coliseum (inside and out),  as well as the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids in Giza.  Thanks to a Tweet from F.C. Tymrak for this link.   Tymrak doesn't have much on his blog, but he is a prolific Tweeter and if you want to follow him, just click on the "follow" icon on the upper right hand side of your Twitter account.  By the way if you want to get lots of ideas for how to use Twitter in your classroom, I devote an entire chapter to it in my book,  Deeper Learning Through Technology: Using the Cloud to Individualize Instruction,  which is now less than a month away from being released and that you can pre-order here.  

- Deeper Learning Through Technology
So I still have books to sell!  Mine - in case you are new to the blog is about personalizing the education of your students and is called Deeper Learning Through Technology: Using the Cloud to Individualize Instruction. The book starts with an...

- Ken Halla's Summer In-services (so Far)
If you want to take a summer in-service with me this summer, there are a number to choose from below.  Click on the links to sign up and email me at [email protected] if you want me to help you with one. Individualizing Instruction in the Classroom....

- My Book Is Exceeding Expectations
I had a conversation with "my marketing editor" (yes there are seven editors working on this project!) on Wednesday and she told me that my book Deeper Learning Through Technology: Using the Cloud to Individualize Instruction was already selling beyond...

- Virtual Field Trips
I have done some work recently with SmarterSchools.com and their contact recently asked me if I had done any virtual field trips with my students.  Well yes. If you Google them, you can find lots of them.  For...

- Virtual Sistine Chapel
There is nothing like seeing the real thing, but putting this virtual tour on a LCD can make the Sistine Chapel seem amazing.   You can also let your students use it on their tablets and laptops.  There are an abundance of virtual tours out...

World History
