World History
Virtual Field Trips
I have done some work recently with SmarterSchools.com and their contact recently asked me if I had done any virtual field trips with my students. Well yes. If you Google them, you can find lots of them. For example this is one from the Lascaux cave in France which I had the pleasure to visit as a teenage (before it was closed). I like this field trip as it literally walks you through the cave and lets you get very close to the drawings on the walls. Here is another of my favorites on the Sistine Chapel. If you start at a wide angle, you might ask your students to guess how long it took to do a panel. Then get real close and ask the question again. The benefit for any of these "trips" is that you can blow them up in class to show them on the big screen to really help your students see how amazing they are. Another one is Hagia Sophia which is right here. Most of the sites you studying come with a virtual tour.
Cave Art
This is a very interesting article that you might add to when you talk about cave art at the beginning of your World History I course. What is most interesting is that it is about cave art found in Indonesia that is at least 39,000 years old and...
Virtual Hagia Sophia
A year ago I finished teaching summer school and jumped on a plane and the next evening my family and I sat down to a balcony dinner just 400 meters from the Hagia Sophia. Other than being there, this virtual tour makes it seem almost as amazing...
Virtual Sistine Chapel
I just showed my students this virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel. It always blows the kids away and this year with the iPads it was great to let them see it up close as well and easily move around....
Lascaux France Cave Drawings
I still remember, as a kid, going to Lascaux (which is now closed to the public), France which has some amazing cave paintings. If you want to take your students on a virtual tour (as I did today), go here. ...
Chauvet Cave Drawings
If you follow this blog, you know we've done a number of entries on cave dwellings this year. As a high schooler, I was lucky enough to see the now closed Lascaux cave paintings. Yesterday I saw the new movie "Cave of Forgotten Dreams." It is...
World History