Screencastomatic YouTube Channel
World History

Screencastomatic YouTube Channel

I am working on a new video on flipping and ran into a Screencastomatic YouTube channel.  For example, above is a video on how to write on a Screencastomatic video.  For those of you who make lots of flipped class videos, Sreencastomatic is the way to go.  Below is my video on how to make a simple screencast using it. 

- Snagit As A Google Drive App
I like to use Screencastomatic to make my videos, but if you are using a Chromebook or simply want an alternative, Snagit's Google Drive alternative is a great option.  You will lose the ability to have a circle follow your movements and to...

- How To Make A Flipped Classroom
Today I am doing a short in-service for my school and since I only have ten minutes I am putting these items up there for our teachers to use later or for you to do use to make your own flipped classroom. First off below is a PowerPoint with the main...

- Screencastomatic For Your Digital Backpack
Whether or not you like to flip your classroom or just create how to videos, a great free way to do it is using  You do not need to have an account.  Above is how to create a screen cast video and how to save it into your...

- Photo Story Onto Google Apps/drive
The best way to do a digital presentation is by using Screencastomatic (here is how). It does not require an account and can immediately be uploaded into Youtube.  The only problem is that some schools do not allow use of Youtube.  If that...

- Screencasts To Help In The Classroom
I love Screencastomatic as it allows you to record and very quickly upload into Youtube a screencast of up to 15 minutes.  Thursday one of my colleagues will be at a meeting and so he actually recorded two fifteen minute lectures where we spoke...

World History
