Screencastomatic for Your Digital Backpack
World History

Screencastomatic for Your Digital Backpack

Whether or not you like to flip your classroom or just create how to videos, a great free way to do it is using  You do not need to have an account.  Above is how to create a screen cast video and how to save it into your Youtube account.  You will find this very helpful for explaining how to do something to your students that you know you will need to explain lots of time all year (such as how to use Blackboard) and this way you do not need to restate it for your students.  You can also use the videos for other staff members

- Flipping The Classroom Presentation
Tomorrow I am doing a presentation for my county on flipping the classroom.  If you can make it it will be at the Leis Center at 1-3:30.  For those of you who can't here is what we will be doing. What will be taught:  We will learn...

- Flipping The Classroom Presentation
I helped organize a technology 1/2 day at our school today.  I am doing a presentation on Flipping the Classroom.  Here is what we are going over today: What will be taught:  We will learn how to record lectures for students to watch at...

- Flipping The Classroom Presentation
I helped organize a technology 1/2 day at our school today.  I am doing a presentation on Flipping the Classroom.  Here is what we are going over today: What will be taught:  We will learn how to record lectures for students to watch at...

- Photo Story Onto Google Apps/drive
The best way to do a digital presentation is by using Screencastomatic (here is how). It does not require an account and can immediately be uploaded into Youtube.  The only problem is that some schools do not allow use of Youtube.  If that...

- Share Your Computer Screen Or Take Over Someone Else's
Sometimes my students need help with something technical we are doing.  Well now I can take over their screen or they can see mine.  Well now I can easily take over their computer screen.  From the same makers of Screencastomatic (which...

World History
