World History
Maps and Timeline of World History
This is a great site that has a timeline of all the world epochs as well as maps of every era.
Maps Of World War Two
Maps of World War Two. A history of the Second World War through maps. Includes critical battles, and campaigns such as Dunkirk, Barbarossa, Stalingrad, Kursk, D-Day, Normandy, Berlin, and others. From the site: Maps of World War II provides an overview...
Scribble Maps
My students draw a lot of maps in Google Drawings, but if you want to do more than just labeling, you might want to consider Scribble Maps. Scribble maps allows you to put pins in locations, but then to add descriptions as well as Youtube video...
Interactive World History Timeline For Conflict
Here is a timeline that shows world history's major conflicts. Click on the time frame and then all of the individual wars will appear. For example we just finished the Byzantine and the Seljuk Turks. When you click on an item a...
Flat Maps
Flat Maps for the ClassroomI have to say "flat maps," since Google Maps are so great. But if you want to see traditional maps from every country in the world, you can go to Atlapedia. I found this site on Edgalaxy. ...
History Of Europe In The 19th Century - Animated Maps
Animated Maps I stumbled upon this great resource today. Not only are the maps animated, but they are also narrated. There are a series of maps beginning with the Congress of Vienna. There are also some animated ancient maps. The best part is - they are...
World History