Google Surveys
World History

Google Surveys

I started using Google surveys a year ago to save time.  For example I got our school to use them for our graduation to save time on all our jobs and another teacher used it for feedback on a writing center he is starting.  The item above I found on Twitter at tombarrett.  It is great and includes things such as "exit tickets" for students, signing up for equipment (although we use Google excel for that), and a ton of other things.  It is well worth the 3 minutes it takes to go through it as I bet you are doing at least five things with paper that it suggests to do more quickly online (and could easily be done by the students or staff at home if you are lacking on computers).

- More On Google Classroom: Things You Can Do
If you are interested in Google Classroom and read Ken's post below, you might want to read some of Alice Keeler's blog posts about how to use Google Classroom. Keeler has also written a book called 50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom....

- Voice Comments In Google Drive Documents
First off a clarification.  Google documents are one item in the Google Drive suite that includes things like Google forms and Google presentations, but now allow a lot of apps.  A new app is Kaizena allows you to add links (which you can already...

- Adding A Video Into Google Forms
Yesterday Google added the ability to insert a video into Google forms.  All you need to do is to go to the "insert" tab and then go down to "video" and then find it on Youtube.  Alternatively you could watch this one minute video to do it....

- Using Google Drive In Your Classroom
One of my former teacher-students, Amanda Lombardi has been proving for a long time that special education students are great for using technology in the classroom (and this year I am going to prove that with ESOL kids).  Tomorrow she is doing an...

- Using Google Drive To Grade Assignments & Collaborate With Colleagues
Today two of the teachers in my department printed out essays that were turned in digitally and sheepishly said to me that they just could not grade them online.  About five or six years ago I was with them, but I am not one to give in easily.  I...

World History
