More on Google Classroom: Things You Can Do
World History

More on Google Classroom: Things You Can Do

If you are interested in Google Classroom and read Ken's post below, you might want to read some of Alice Keeler's blog posts about how to use Google Classroom.

Keeler has also written a book called 50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom.

But you can still get lots of good information by reading some of Keeler's blog posts. Here are several that I think are very helpful. You can also search her blog for other posts about Google Classroom and you can follow her on Twitter@alicekeeler

- Catching Cheating Using Google Drive
Now that Google Classroom is finally getting better than using Google Drive, I will tell you how to catch cheating in Google Classroom later in the fall, but for now if your students turn in assignments using Google Drive below is a very quick video showing...

- Google Chrome Split Screen Extension
I am slowly gearing up for having Chromebooks in my classroom this fall and will also be testing (since I haven't felt it was good enough until now) Google Classroom.  In that endeavor I found Alice Keeler's Chrome extension (her blog...

- Follow The Blogs On Google+ And Twitter
If you want to follow the blogs other ways, I also post all of them on my Twitter ("kenhalla") and Google+ (also "kenhalla") accounts which you can follow by going to the links.  What is also nice about Twitter is that you can see who I am following...

- Google+ Personal Learning Community And Hangouts
Google+ was never slow to find users, but it has taken some time to get people to look at it a lot.  It now has more people using it than Twitter.  One of the reason for that is the hangouts in which you can meet with nine other people (and...

- Uses For Google Docs In The Classroom
The slide show above says it is for Google Apps, but everything on it can be done for FREE if you get a Google account.  After doing that, put "Google" in the search engine on this blog site and you will see links to be able to do pretty much everything...

World History
