BackStory Radio Show
World History

BackStory Radio Show

Catherine Moore sent me an e-mail about a new public radio show called the Backstory. A temporary site is up at

It looks worthy so here is some information on it:

The site notes, "BackStory is a brand-new call-in radio show that brings historical perspective to the events happening around us every day. Each week, renowned U.S. historians Ed Ayers, Peter Onuf, and Brian Balogh tear a topic from the headlines and plumb its historical depths."

In her e-mail, Catherine wrote, "Over the course of a show, the hosts are joined by fellow historians, people in the news, and callers who want to explore the roots of what?s going on now. Together, they drill down to colonial times and earlier, revealing the connections (and sometimes, the disconnections) between past and present."

I hope this show is successful and that many people are exposed to quality history over the radio.

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World History
