Cave Paintings, Maybe World'sFirst Cinema
World History

Cave Paintings, Maybe World'sFirst Cinema

This comes after the unit on pre-history but is still worth watching. French archaeologist and film maker, Mark Azema, put together this clip using paintings from the Caves of Lascaux. Below is a clip from the the radio news show, the World, about Azema's work with the cave paintings. Both the clip and the newscast are fascinating. Saw this on Open Culture here.

- Lascaux Cave
Here is another example of a virtual tour, this one to Lascaux, France where you can look at their infamous cave paintings - which are no longer open to the public (thankfully my parents dragged me there in high school).  ...

- Lascaux France Cave Drawings
I still remember, as a kid, going to Lascaux (which is now closed to the public), France which has some amazing cave paintings.  If you want to take your students on a virtual tour (as I did today), go here. ...

- Prehistory Web-quest
Here is a Web Quest on prehistory that I made for the first unit in World 9. It focuses on cave paintings, human origins, Ardie, Laetoli footprints, Lucy, Stonehenge and the Ice-Age. It also includes a link to a quia quiz on the material. ...

- Chauvet Cave Drawings
If you follow this blog, you know we've done a number of entries on cave dwellings this year. As a high schooler, I was lucky enough to see the now closed Lascaux cave paintings. Yesterday I saw the new movie "Cave of Forgotten Dreams."  It is...

- High Resolution Images From The Renaissance
Another item I found on the Open Culture blog (mentioned below) is this set of Renaissance era paintings which have been placed online using high resolution and you can get very close for your students.  They include paintings da Vinci, Botticelli...

World History
