World History
Vodcasts of the Entire AP World Book
Flipped Classroom In-service
Tomorrow I am teaching two sections of how to flip your classroom to Fairfax County (VA) teachers. If you are coming, I will be in room 228 during sessions B and C. If you aren't a teacher in Fairfax or if after our session, you want...
Flipping The Classroom Presentation
I helped organize a technology 1/2 day at our school today. I am doing a presentation on Flipping the Classroom. Here is what we are going over today: What will be taught: We will learn how to record lectures for students to watch at...
Flipping The Classroom Presentation
I helped organize a technology 1/2 day at our school today. I am doing a presentation on Flipping the Classroom. Here is what we are going over today: What will be taught: We will learn how to record lectures for students to watch at...
Intro Video For Your Students On Flipped Learning
Today George Coe, Frank Franz and I did a presentation on flipping the classroom. One question that always comes up is how do the students receive the idea if they have never done it before. Frank actually has his students watch a flipped...
Conclusions So Far On Flipping The Classroom
In my 27 high school county, there are only five of us (that I know about) who have tried flipping the classroom. We collaborated and came up with a document that might help those looking to do the same. It includes lessons we have learned,...
World History