World History This site includes photographs, timelines, biographies of heroes, and gear from the Vietnam War. Includes articles, book review, and news.
The site has a heavy pro-American bias and is commercially oriented. Despite this, I found it useful and fun to browse.
From the site:
By November 1965, General Vo Nguyen Giap's regular North Vietnamese Army divisions had begun a bloody testing of the American divisions on the battlefield, and large numbers of American troops were becoming casualties. Major unit commanders needed to know what was outside the range of influence of their heaviest guns. As in every war, secret long-range patrols were the answer.
In December 1965, my home was the 5th Special Forces Group long-range reconnaissance unit known as Delta Project. Our four-man team was given an area recon mission to search for enemy activity. No information was available on our target area.
After completing our mission preparation, the team loaded aboard a Huey the next afternoon and flew to the AO. It was late in the day as we approached our area and made a false insertion, before turning north to our actual LZ. The sun had dropped behind the mountains as we neared our insertion point, now covered in deep shadows. The chopper had flared and hovered to far out in the field, leaving us with a long run to the safety of the darkening forest. We jumped into the tall grass and sprinted for the tree line.
German Battlefield Yields Roman Surprises
I came across ancient history in the news today. CNN has an article titled German battlefield yields Roman surprises. The unsigned article covers the finding of relics from a 3rd century battle between Romans and barbarians in Northern Germany. Why is...
State Historical Society Of North Dakota
State Historical Society of North Dakota Home Page - Preserves and presents history through museums, historic sites, archives library, historic register, publications and programs. The American state of North Dakota has a rich history. The site includes...
Generation Kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America And The New Face Of American War
GENERATION KILL: DEVIL DOGS, ICEMAN, CAPTAIN AMERICA AND THE NEW FACE OF AMERICAN WAR. This is a review by Michael Lorenzen of the book by Evan Wright. The author of the review has given me permission to reproduce it here. Thanks! Review: My favorite...
History Of Vietnam
History of Vietnam. This essay is supposed to be about the history of Vietnam. It is but it gives short treatment to most of Vietnamese history and focuses on the 20th Century. There is nothing wrong with that but I thought I would point out the obvious...
Wikinfo | Vietnam War
Wikinfo Vietnam War This is a good essay on the Vietnam War from the online Encyclopedia Wikinfo. This is a good source for history articles of all kinds.
From the site:
The Vietnam War was a war fought between 1964 and 1975 on the ground in South...
World History