World History
The Travels of Ibn Battuta

A California teacher developed this great site (it will take a minute to load) with illustrated chapters from Ibn Battuta's travel book, Rihla. I used the site with a lesson plan five or six years ago and then the site disappeared. My colleague, James Dahlgren, found this archived version of the site. Here is a homework assignment we developed for the site.
Ibn Batuta
Ibn Batuta Ibn Batuta (also Ibn Battuta), Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd Alah, born in Tangier, Morocco, was one of the greatest Arab travelers in the 14th century. A descendant of a scholarly family that produced many judges, he was educated in Tangier. As...
In The Footsteps Of Ibn Battuta: Documentary
Tim Mackintosh-Smith follows in the footsteps of Ibn Battuta in this three part BBC documentary series. Only this first part is available on line. Smith begins in Tangiers where Battuta was born and travels to Egypt where he visits the oldest university...
Google Sites For Education
Google sites is a great platform that allows you to create a class website where you can embed assignments, video clips, and even Google Forms for short assessments. Google gives you more flexibility than Blackboard and has more apps that work seamlessly...
Top Stories For May
Despite the fact that school is out for some (I still have three weeks), we had 45,000 pageviews and from 21,000 unique visitors. Our top posts this month were Vodcasts of the Entire AP World BookThe Travels of Ibn BattutaShort Video Clips of Museum...
48,000 Pageviews This Month
Well I am learning there are a lot of ways to look how people look at a website. For example between the these three blogs (US gov, US history and world history) there were 21,000 visitors in March, but each of the visits led to looking at various...
World History