World History
The Cliopatria Awards, 2007

The Academy Awards of the history blogosphere have been announced for 2007. The newest edition of the Cliopatria Awards is now out.
The winners:
Best Group Blog: In the Middle
Best Individual Blog: Civil War Memory
Best New Blog: Religion in American History
Best Post: Timothy Burke, "Knowledge is Inconvenient," Cliopatria, 27 September
Best Series of Posts: Errol Morris, "Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?" Zoom, Part One, Part Two, and Part Three, 25 September, 4 October, and 23 October.
Best Writer: Caleb Crain, Steamboats are Ruining Everything
The 2007 Cliopatria Awards: Nominations
The Cliopatria Awards recognize the best history writing in the blogosphere. There will be awards in six categories: Best Group Blog Best Individual Blog Best New Blog Best Post Best Series of Posts Best Writer Cliopatria, as host of the awards, is ineligible...
Cliopatria Awards 2006
The Cliopatria Awards 2006 were awarded yesterday at the American Historical Association Conference in Atlanta. The Cliopatria Awards recognize the best history writing in the blogosphere. The winners are: Best Individual Blog: David Noon's Axis of...
2006 Cliopatria Awards Nominations
Nominations for the 2006 Cliopatria Awards Nominations are now open. The Cliopatria Awards recognize the best history writing in the blogosphere. Bloggers are encouraged to nominate candidates for Best Individual Blog, Best Group Blog, Best New Blog,...
History Carnival Xxxix
History Carnival XXXIX. The newest edition of the History Carnival is up at the venerable Cliopatria. Ralph Luker is the host and he has done a good job pulling together some of the more interesting history related posts in the history blogosphere. I...
History Carnival #38
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World History