Stop Watch & Splitting Your Computer and LCD Screens
World History

Stop Watch & Splitting Your Computer and LCD Screens

I learned a trick from a 7th grade teacher in my building that if you want students to work more quickly - esp. using technology, give them a clock and break the assignment up into parts.  My favorite clock is this one.  It both counts up and down.  Also, if you have the new Windows on your computer, you can go here for an explanation of how to put one thing on you LCD monitor (the clock, perhaps) and another on your computer.  That way you could help a student with his/her work while the clock was on the LCD. 

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Here are excellent step-by-step directions from Richard Byrne (Free Technology for Teachers) on how to use three great informal assessment tools--Socrative--Today's Meet and Wallwisher. Socrative looks especially cool. It's a little like Poll...

- Autosummarizing
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- Splitting The Computer Screen
I take a lot of flap (especially from fellow blogger "Panther Fan" about promoting how one splits a computer screen.  In an Apple, you either have to pay for a $7 piece of software which allows you to do it fairly easily or you can just drag the...

- Split Screen On A Mac
So whenever I go to the mall (which is not often), I like to stop by the Apple store and play with the new gadgets.  While I prefer a Mac, I have never been able to easily (yes you can drag the windows and re-shape them) split the screen in half...

World History
