World History
Sleuths close in on Odysseus home

Where exactly is the ancient island of Ithaca? It is the reported home of Homer's hero Odysseus. Some believe that the island is mythical but there is now some evidence that it really existed.
CNN has an article titled Sleuths close in on Odysseus home. The article notes, "Finding Ithaca could rival the discovery of ancient Troy on the Turkish coast in the 1870s. No one can be certain whether Odysseus or his city really existed. But the discovery of the ruins of Troy, where Odysseus and other legendary Greek heroes did battle, has led scholars to believe there is more to Homer's tales than just legend. Until now, the kingdom of Ithaca was thought to have been on the Ionian island of Ithaki. But Bittlestone's team say they believe it is on Paliki, a peninsula on the island of Kefalonia, west of Ithaki."
One of the reasons that Ithaca may have remained undiscovered for so long may be due to changes in Ithaca's landscape. Robert Bittlestone said, ""There is every evidence we are on the right track. For thousands of years people thought Homer was wrong in how he described the location of Ithaca. I believe Homer was right but we didn't see it because the landscape has changed."
This is certainly an exciting discovery if true. I can only imagine what wonders may be unearthed in an archaeological dig at Kefalonia (Ithaca).
Epic And Rhetoric: Speech-making And Persuasion In Homer And Apollonius
This article is a bit tough to read but I found it worthwhile. It is Epic and Rhetoric:Speech-making and Persuasion in Homer and Apollonius and was written by Peter Toohey. It was published in ARACHNION. A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on...
Proof Of Ancient Malaysian Civilization Found
There is an exciting bit of history news this morning out of Asia. The following is from a CNN article. It notes: Researchers with a Malaysian university said they have uncovered evidence of an iron industry that dates to the 3rd Century, A.D., and proves...
Ancient Tools Unearthed In Australia
Humanity has been is Australia a long time. And a new find proves that humans were thriving there 35,000 years ago! Yahoo! has a story on it titled Ancient tools unearthed in Australia. The article notes, "Tools dating back at least 35,000 years have...
Tourists Help Excavate Ancient Holy Land Caves
CNN has this article titled Tourists help excavate ancient Holy Land caves. The article notes, "Tourists like Krewson pay $25 to spend the day working in ancient tunnels in Israel's Bet Guvrin National Park, about 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem....
Last Stand Of The Neanderthals?
Neanderthals survived longer than thought. This article is from today's issue of USA Today. Research suggests Neanderthals survived for thousands of years longer than thought, with small bands finding refuge in a massive cave in Spain. They used the...
World History