Study these flash cardsOn Monday my world history students will be working on their Roman contributions project. Above is a set of flash cards I found on Quizlet. Quizlet lets students (and teachers) create flashcards to study for a test. As my students finish their projects I will have them use this to see if they have learned everything before they take their own quiz. Here is a Quizlet review for all of ancient Rome.
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- Quizlet For Review
After each unit I talk to my students about how to review for their test - which I point out should be over several days and not just involve reading a study guide. One of the methods I also give them is a link to Quizlet which has a number of completed...
- Quizlet Adds Voice Recordings
Quizlet, already a great review app, now lets you record your own voice and put recordings on your review cards. For those who are auditory learners this will be a great help to the main great features, flash cards, games, timed races, etc. that...
- A Very Improved Quizlet For Class Review
Quizlet and StudyBlue are two online flashcard sites. A year ago I was very high on StudyBlue but it requires one to have a login/password to see and while I still think, that aside, it is a great review device since it allows for pictures and sound...
- Quizlet
While I prefer Study Blue, as it allows one to add pictures and audio, it does not allow one to search and use other people's flash cards unless you have an account. For schools that adhere to FERPA and COPPA closely this is not possible. So...
- Study Blue Flashcard App
I have blogged about Quizlet before, but here is a new app called Study Blue which lets you do the same things as Quizlet except you can also speak the flash cards instead of just typing them out (as you can see above). Also, it lets the card hang...
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