World History
Reminder, History Carnival

This is a reminder that History Carnival #26 will be posted at the World History Blog (here!) on March 1st. I plan on writing the carnival post on February 28th. Realistically, if you want a submission considered, it would be best to get it to me before that date. Full details on the History Carnival and how to submit can be found at
Thanks to the dozens of people (especially Sharon Howard!) who have already sent me lots of great posts to consider.
History Carnival Lvi
The newest History Carnival is up! History Carnival LVI is now at Walking the Berkshires. It also has a very memorable carnival name with "Rocky Road Pistachio Mocha Chip Edition (with Cracker Jack® Topping!)." Well, it is a carnival... The next History...
History Carnival Xlix
History Carnival XLIX is up at History is Elementary. I would like to compliment Elementaryhistoryteacher on a well done carnival. The next edition of the History Carnival will be posted March 15th. You can submit your best historical blog writing here...
The History Carnival's Annual Happy Holidays Party (as Reported By An Ignorant, Belligerent Lush)
The newest History Carnival is up at Acephalous. Scott Eric Kaufman is the host and he has done a great job. This may well be the most entertaining history carnival yet! I hope you enjoy all the good links. It will be another month before the next History...
History Carnival Xxxix
History Carnival XXXIX. The newest edition of the History Carnival is up at the venerable Cliopatria. Ralph Luker is the host and he has done a good job pulling together some of the more interesting history related posts in the history blogosphere. I...
Final Call For Asian History Carnival
I have been working diligently on the Asian History Carnival. I have made progress in my mind even if it has not all been organized in a draft post yet. If you have a post you would like considered, please nominate posts here or send them directly to...
World History