Real Player
World History

Real Player

This is a follow up on the earlier post about embedding videos into a PowerPoint - if you use the new version of Real Player, it will allow you to download videos from sites like YouTube (or any other website that streams video). Real Player has a pop-up button that makes it very easy to download with one click - it's a neat feature that allows you to save videos from the web, especially since sites like YouTube are blocked by most filtering software in the schools. If you don't have Real Player, you can go here to see how to convert a video.

- Persian Wars
This is certainly not professionally done, but if you want to show your kids the highlights of the Persian Wars, this is perfect. ...

- Paintings Close Up
Google has gained access to some of the finest museums in Europe and now (as you can see in the video) above, you can go to their website, link to the museums and then look at the paintings in a very close up fashion with your students. ...

- Using Google Docs W. Your Students
I did an in-service today was partly on how to use Google Docs, Google Presentation (PowerPoint), to create collections (folders), how to upload and how to link to one's student presentation tool (ie Blackboard, Google Sites, Edublog, etc.). ...

- Wikipedia
This is a nice history of Wikipedia by its founder, Jimmy Wales. ...

- Bit Torrent
One of the fastest growing companies on the Internet is BitTorrent.  It allows you and others to download huge files very quickly.  This would allow your students, for example, to work on a video together that one of them uploaded onto say...

World History
