World History
OZ Fossils: The Age of Reptiles

I discovered a nice site on pre-historic Australian fossils. It is The Eromanga Sea - OZ Fossils: The Age of Reptiles. Readers can learn about the Pliosaurs and Plesiosaurs, Ichthyosaurs, Ammonites, and Beleminites that lived in the shallow sea that covered inland Australia ten million years ago.
From the site:
About one hundred and ten million years ago a shallow sea covered what is now arid inland Australia. Australia?s most beautiful and complete fossils of this period are of the spectacular marine creatures that lived in this cold sea.
Despite the impressive size of some of these fossils, they are not called dinosaurs, but marine reptiles. In some cases their bones have turned into precious opal. They are beautiful and very valuable specimens. Three main types of marine reptile used to live in the Eromanga Sea.
European Discovery And The Colonisation Of Australia
The European Discovery and the Colonisation of Australia is a nice essay on the beginning of European history in Australia. The site was created and is maintained by the Australian government. From the site: The first records of European mariners sailing...
Ancient Tools Unearthed In Australia
Humanity has been is Australia a long time. And a new find proves that humans were thriving there 35,000 years ago! Yahoo! has a story on it titled Ancient tools unearthed in Australia. The article notes, "Tools dating back at least 35,000 years have...
Mega-marsupials Once Roamed Australia
Mega-marsupials once roamed Australia. CNN has this interesting story on Australian pre-history. Up to fifty thousand years ago, Australia had megafauna. Of course, humans get the blame for their vanishing. The article notes, "Marsupial lions, kangaroos...
Convicts To Australia
Convicts to Australia. This is a neat site which includes information for Australians (and others) who are researching convict ancestors. It includes a chronological list of all the convict transports sent from England to Australia, convict tales, timeline,...
Teaching About Australia
Teaching about Australia. This is a good essay on how teachers in the USA can teach students about Australia. This includes ideas for history.
From the site:
At the high school level, history and social science courses offer many opportunities for...
World History