World History
New History Carnival Up

The New History Carnival is up at Aqueduct. This blog by Amy is described as "Welcome to the aqueduct, where knowledge flows like water. The site is named after the hiking trail that runs by my office window." There is a part two promised for Monday so check back for more carnivl fun next week.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of history carnival at (15 June, host Jenni Weber at American Presidents Blog, (email coppertop67[AT] using the carnival submission form.
History Carnival: Let's Take A History Stroll
The newest History Carnival is up at the American Presidents Blog. Jennie Weber has done a good job collecting nice history links from the last month from around the history blogosphere. The next History Carnival will be hosted by Penny at Disabilities...
History Carnival Lvi
The newest History Carnival is up! History Carnival LVI is now at Walking the Berkshires. It also has a very memorable carnival name with "Rocky Road Pistachio Mocha Chip Edition (with Cracker Jack® Topping!)." Well, it is a carnival... The next History...
History Carnival #53
The 53rd History Carnival by Michael Lorenzen is up at American Presidents Blog. There is a lot of good history blogging to be found here. Rebecca Goetz at Historianess will host the next History Carnival on July 1st. Use the submission form if you have...
History Carnival Lii
Call For Contributions: History Carnival #26
I am pleased to announce that the World History Blog will host History Carnival #26 on March 1st, 2006.If you are not familiar with the History Carnival, please check out the official History Carnival site or the latest History Carnival at Philobiblion.You...
World History