World History
NASA can't find original tape of moon landing

NASA can't find original tape of moon landing. Reuters is reporting that NASA has lost the original tapes of the first Apollo Moon landing.
The news report notes, "The U.S. government has misplaced the original recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong's famous 'one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,' a NASA spokesman said on Monday."
How convenient! As more and more people begin to question the "truth" behind the Apollo lunar landings (that they may have never happened), NASA loses the evidence. Could it be that the original tapes could easily be tested and found to be fake today?
Does the above paragraph sound crazy? I agree too. However, lunar landing revisionists are claiming the above.
The Wikipedia article on the Apollo Moon Landing Hoax Accusations is currently locked from editing due to repeated disputes. However, the missing tapes are now being introduced as evidence on the associated Wikipedia Talk page. An anonymous contributor wrote, "How convenient. First, the data tapes missing..NOW THE ORIGINAL FOOTAGE! I am proposing to add this to the hoax evidence section." Further weirdness continues, "Well, to stick to the point for a moment, the fact that the tapes are missing is suspicious to those who are not true believers. It would be like invading Iraq and finding that weapons of mass destruction were 'missing' - it's not proof of a conspiracy, but it sure smells like one." And so forth...
I note that the 9/11 and Holocaust revisionists also point to missing evidence as proof of a conspiracy. Unfortunately, as time goes by, primary source material is lost. Historians know this and realize that important events often have misplaced, lost, or accidentally destroyed documentation. The lack of this evidence does not constitute proof that an event never happened or happened differently that has already been proven beyond reasonable debate.
This is all very frustrating. The Apollo Moon landings happened and have been verified to the satisfaction of scientists and historians. So called proofs that the landings were a hoax are all easily refuted and usually show a lack of scientific knowledge from the hoax claimer. But yet even a simple news story like this emboldens the ignorant and gets this nonsense stirred up again.
I guess all history is conspiracy and we do not really know anything. Is there any piece of history that someone could not spin into a conspiracy theory if they put their mind to it?
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World History