Just Since I've Been Married!
World History

Just Since I've Been Married!

Google is one year older than my marriage.  Like the company my life has changed a lot during that time from adding a cat, then a dog, then three kids and finally another dog, Google has changed a lot as well as you can see from the graphic.  I'm not putting it up to promote Google, but rather to show that if you aren't promoting the technology bandwagon, you're going to have to chase your students down to understand how they are creating their projects and working with their peers. If you click on the image it will get bigger. By the way I found the picture on a link from one of my new favorite blogs, Not Another History Teacher.

- My New Elearning Blog
I am stuck at home with two feet of snow, but thankful that I can still do my job as I have recently changed from a classroom teacher and chair to the eLearning Coordinator of our 4000 student, 53 course strong Online Campus. To that end I have, as you...

- Google Sites For Education
Google sites is a great platform that allows you to create a class website where you can embed assignments, video clips, and even Google Forms for short assessments. Google gives you more flexibility than Blackboard and has more apps that work seamlessly...

- Cheating Using Technology
Normally I like to assume the best from my students, but I know they are not perfect.  Some would say that is reason enough to not use anything other than paper, but I see enough kids in the halls copying each other's paper assignments or using...

- Bloom's Taxonomy Via Google
Yes, I have a few days of vacation sandwiched in between shuttling my kids to all their summer sports.  I just found this great picture of all the ways you can carry out student learning via online tools from Google.  Go here to see a bigger...

- How To Use Google Docs
I am presenting at the online Global Education Conference on Tuesday November 16th at 8 AM EST.  The conference has over 300 free sessions.  If you are interested, I will be doing a session on using Google Docs with your students and...

World History
