World History
Indian Ocean Trade

Studying Islam in India or Africa, then you are also probably studying trade in the Indian Ocean? This website offers one of the best resources I?ve seen on Indian Ocean trade. It?s an interactive site that has animated maps from each period in history (prehistory, classical period, medieval, global). The maps show what products were traded and where they went. You can click around the maps and find out what technologies were used (like the astrolabe).
Ancient India
FACTS-ABOUT-INDIA.Com has a nice subsection on the History of India. I am highlighting the Ancient India section here. It has subsections on Sources of Ancient Indian History, Pre Historic Period, Indus Valley Civilisation , and the Vedic Age. Another...
M9.1 "boxing Day" Earthquake & Tsunami/indian Ocean Tsunami
Details on the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami from 2004, including maps, animations, and video. It is from the Amateur Seismic Centre, Wellington, New Zealand. (Video from YouTube.)From the site: A "very great" earthquake struck the North Indian...
History Of Maldives
History of Maldives. This is a brief history of the Indian Ocean country of the Maldives. It is short but has a good overview. The Encyclopædia Britannica notes, "Independent island nation consisting of a chain of about 1,200 small coral islands and...
Islam Resources: Saudi Aramco Magazine
Studying or reviewing Islam? Saudi Aramco Magazine is an excellent resource. You can read it online and you can also order a print subscription for free. Articles feature all aspects of historical Islam. You can take walking tours (virtual tours) of...
History Of Europe In The 19th Century - Animated Maps
Animated Maps I stumbled upon this great resource today. Not only are the maps animated, but they are also narrated. There are a series of maps beginning with the Congress of Vienna. There are also some animated ancient maps. The best part is - they are...
World History