- Why Should You Take World History, John Green 2nd Season
This is the intro to John Green's second season of world history on his Crash Course. They are going to add a new video each week to the 42 world ones they already have up. Thanks to Kat Stankiewicz for the heads up on this great...
- Three Great Informal Assessment Tools: Socrative, Wallwisher, Today'smeet
Here are excellent step-by-step directions from Richard Byrne (Free Technology for Teachers) on how to use three great informal assessment tools--Socrative--Today's Meet and Wallwisher. Socrative looks especially cool. It's a little like Poll...
- How To Make A Glogter Page
Glogster has now been around for a couple of years. It is in essence an online poster where you can embed videos, put up links, write words, add pictures, create connected pages, etc. Also, you can create pages for your students so they do...
- Wwi Propaganda Posters
There is something about propaganda posters that just intrigues students. They love to look at them and comment on them. This is great for me, because there is so much to be learned in the posters also. This site has a lot of great WWI propaganda posters...