World History
History of Somalia

History of Somalia. This is a short history to the troubled African nation of Somalia. In the last decade, the country has struggled to maintain national cohesion as warlords have repeatedly marganilized the national government.
Somalia was also the site of a failed American relief effort in the early 90s. The hope was to offer assistance against the backdrop of famine and anarchy. There was resistance from local warlords and the US withdrew in 1994.
From the site:
Early history traces the development of the Somali people to an Arab sultanate, which was founded in the seventh century A.D. by Koreishite immigrants from Yemen. During the 15th and 16th centuries, Portuguese traders landed in present Somali territory and ruled several coastal towns. The sultan of Oman and Zanzibar subsequently took control of these towns and their surrounding territory.
Somalia's modern history began in the late l9th century, when various European powers began to trade and establish themselves in the area. The British East India Company's desire for unrestricted harbor facilities led to the conclusion of treaties with the sultan of Tajura as early as 1840. It was not until 1886, however, that the British gained control over northern Somalia through treaties with various Somali chiefs who were guaranteed British protection. British objectives centered on safeguarding trade links to the east and securing local sources of food and provisions for its coaling station in Aden. The boundary between Ethiopia and British Somaliland was established in 1897 through treaty negotiations between British negotiators and King Menelik.
During the first two decades of this century, British rule was challenged through persistent attacks led by Mohamed Abdullah. A long series of intermittent engagements and truces ended in 1920 when British warplanes bombed Abdullah's stronghold at Taleex. Although Abdullah was defeated as much by rival Somali factions as by British forces, he was lauded as a popular hero and stands as a major figure of national identity to some Somalis.
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History Of Bangladesh
History of Bangladesh. This essay presents the history of Bangladesh in a short and readable format.
From the site:
Bengal was absorbed into the Mughul Empire in the 16th century, and Dhaka, the seat of a nawab (the representative of the emperor),...
History Of Bahrain
History of Bahrain. This is a good write up dealing with the history of Bahrain.
From the site:
The site of the ancient Bronze Age civilization of Dilmun, Bahrain was an important center linking trade routes between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley...
History Of Botswana
History of Botswana. This is a short history of Botswana. There is not a lot here but it should give you the basics of the history of this African nation.
From the site:
The Batswana, a term also used to denote all citizens of Botswana, refers to...
World History