World History
History Film Reviews Galore!

The American Historical Association has recently put together a really wonderful list of historical films and their associated reviews. The list also includes relevant articles related to the films and/or subject matter.
While I've certainly had my problems with the simplistic treatment of historical films as either accurate or inaccurate, the AHA has really provided us with a wonderful resource here.
(x-posted at US HIstory Teachers Blog)
The Mirror Crack’d-history Reflected By Hollywood
Academic Exchange Quarterly has an interesting article titled The Mirror Crack?d-History Reflected by Hollywood. It is by Paul D?Amboise and Avery Plaw. This article examines how mainstream (Hollywood) history films can be productively incorporated into...
Real Military Flix
I chanced upon a nice military history site. If you like military videos, this one should please you. It is Real Military Flix. It has war movies and military videos. This includes American basic training films, World War I, World War II, the Vietnam...
Top 3 Worst War Films
Back in September, The Osprey Publishing Blog had a post on the Top 3 Worst War Films. I discovered this post via the 7th Military History Carnival. The carnival author noted, "I asked what the Top Three Worst War films were and what war films our readers...
The Mirror Crack’d-history Reflected By Hollywood
The Mirror Crack?d-History Reflected by Hollywood. This is an article on how teachers can use films to teach history. It uses the premise that Hollywood is not always accurate in showing historical events. I am shocked. Do you mean that the Emperor Commodus...
Wwii Britain And Cultural Propaganda
During WWII, Britain produced over 120 short films to combat the Nazis. These examples of cultural propaganda are now available on the internet for free. You can read more about the films here at Open Culture....
World History