World History
Historic Map Works

I guess I am just a sucker for a good map site. I have found another I really like. It is Historic Map Works. The site specializes in reproductions of old American and international maps. The online collection has over 200,000 images.
From the site:
Drawing on the world's most extensive collection of American land ownership maps, it is now easier than ever to research the history of almost any location. The website presently contains 205,608 digital maps and views from the 19th and early 20th centuries searchable by name and geographic location. In many American locations, you can search by modern address to access many temporal layers spanning decades of change and growth. Each layer, a distinct slice of time, describes that area's development visually and contextually.
Viewable alongside our ever growing collection of American maps are the antiquarian World maps in our Osher Map Library Collection which includes works from 500+ years of history's most notable cartographers. A few of the more recognizable names from the collection include: Waldseemuller, Ortelius, Mercator, Hondius, Blaeu, Visscher, Coronelli, Speed, Bellin, and Des Barres. We now offer our members the ability to print maps at home, download images from our maps and overlay the geocode boundaries of many of our cadastral maps on top of a modern world map.
Historic Cities
I found a sharp site that features maps, literature, documents, books, and other materials concerning historic cities around the world. It is Historic Cities. It is a joint project of the Historic Cities Center of the Department of Geography, the Hebrew...
Maps Of World War Two
Maps of World War Two. A history of the Second World War through maps. Includes critical battles, and campaigns such as Dunkirk, Barbarossa, Stalingrad, Kursk, D-Day, Normandy, Berlin, and others. From the site: Maps of World War II provides an overview...
American Powderhorns
American Powderhorns. A collection of antiques American powderhorns dating as far back as the French and Indian War. Also muskets, Kentucky Rifles and flintlock pistols. From the site: The powderhorn was the companion to every musket in early America....
Flat Maps
Flat Maps for the ClassroomI have to say "flat maps," since Google Maps are so great. But if you want to see traditional maps from every country in the world, you can go to Atlapedia. I found this site on Edgalaxy. ...
History Of Europe In The 19th Century - Animated Maps
Animated Maps I stumbled upon this great resource today. Not only are the maps animated, but they are also narrated. There are a series of maps beginning with the Congress of Vienna. There are also some animated ancient maps. The best part is - they are...
World History