Google Classroom is Growing
World History

Google Classroom is Growing

Until today Google Classroom has been little more than a souped up way to use Google Drive to organize your students.  But starting today, it has added twenty apps to the suite.  So if you use or are thinking of using Google Classroom above is how you can add the new apps and here is the list. 

- More On Google Classroom: Things You Can Do
If you are interested in Google Classroom and read Ken's post below, you might want to read some of Alice Keeler's blog posts about how to use Google Classroom. Keeler has also written a book called 50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom....

- Scripts For Google Drive
Unlike apps that are added to something like Google Drive, scripts just help Google Drive further an application it already has.  For example, WeVideo is an app that one can use to collaboratively make videos in Google Drive.  But we have already...

- Adding A Video Into Google Forms
Yesterday Google added the ability to insert a video into Google forms.  All you need to do is to go to the "insert" tab and then go down to "video" and then find it on Youtube.  Alternatively you could watch this one minute video to do it....

- Integrating Google Docs Into The Classroom
 Today George Coe and I are co-presenting at our annual social studies in-service on how to integrate Google Docs into the social studies classroom.  As part of the discussion we will start with the slideshow above.  Can you answer...

- How To Integrate Google Docs/apps Into The Classroom
Today I am presenting at Lake Braddock High School (Burke, VA) on how to integrate Google Docs into the social studies classroom.  As part of the discussion I will start with the slideshow above.  Can you answer the questions and imagine...

World History
