Flipping Class Within My Class
World History

Flipping Class Within My Class

So I just completed Sal Kahn's new book titled The One World Schoolhouse.  If you are interested in the history of his KahnAcademy or where he intends to take education, it is worth the $12, but be warned that it is woefully short on quantitative research (isn't that true of so much in education) and he assumes that all kids will be motivated simply because they can go their own speed).  But it got me to thinking...

So today I made the very simple video above which is my only lecture for my India unit.  In class today I let those who wanted to work at their own speed use ear buds to watch the video and the rest of the students listened to me give a traditional video.  The kids using the video stopped and started it numerous times and still finished well ahead of me (which is one of the major points of Kahn's book that our schools waste a lot of time in  the interest of keeping all students together.  Once students finished the lecture they started this project on Gupta accomplishments.  As with the video lecture, I included videos explaining how to use the technology for the assignment.   

- Snow Day Reprise
In ten years of being a chair, tomorrow will be the second day I have missed a county wide meeting (so I can work with my AP Comp kids to better prepare for the AP exam).  I was going to present on how to teach students on a snow day.  But...

- So I Am Published
Well the book, Deeper Learning Through Technology, is at the warehouse and after a quick look see (don't ask me I only work here), it will be shipped to anyone who wants it.  So you will be getting pieces of my book on my blogs in hope that you...

- My Post For Digital Learning Day
Tomorrow the Alliance for Excellent Education, that started Digital Learning Day, is posting my thoughts on Digital Learning Day which I am also posting below.  Last year in my Digital Learning Day post for the Alliance for Excellent Education I...

- School On A Snow Day
I will admit that I can't get away with this with all of my classes, but my AP Comparative (which is AP US Government and AP Comparative in one year) is a motivated bunch. So while today is our second snow day (actually a "cold day" since it is 5...

- Sal Kahn's Tips On Flipping Your Class
Sal Kahn has put together a ten minute video on what he believes is important in making his videos.  His tips include be yourself (my students love when I put in personal items)don't make it too professionaltalk directly to the students (not...

World History
