World History
Bloom's Wheel with Technology
I am putting the finishing touches on my book (yes it has taken much longer than I thought) and came across Allan Carrington's Pedagogy Wheel which takes Bloom's taxonomy and gives you apps and websites that you can use for each level of learning. Check it out here and then start thinking how you can use more technology to reach the upper levels of Bloom's.
A Short How To Flip Post
At the end of the month, George Coe and I are co-presenting on flipping the classroom. Below is the PowerPoint we will be using. The hardest thing to do is to cut what you want to lecture to ten or fewer minutes. To create the lecture watch...
Bloom's Taxonomy According The Pirates Of The Caribbean
Granted these ancillaries are for the old Bloom's, but they still can work if you are trying to explain the levels and want other educators to understand. Above is Bloom's according to the Pirates of the Caribbean. Here it is according...
Pedagogy Wheel For Technology
I found this great Bloom's while from a Google+ post from Edudemic. If you click here, you can see a much bigger post. You could almost spend an entire year using the technology above. ...
Bloom's Taxonomy
Above is an eleven minute video that uses The Andy Griffith Show to explain each of the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. I found it at EducatorsTechnology through a feed I get on my Netvibes account. An amazing explanation of how to use Bloom's...
Google Glasses
If there is one main idea I want to get across in this blog it is that teachers should be changing all the time (and I assume in coming to this site you probably are). While Google's glasses are still a ways away (as are the contact lenses...
World History