World History
Blog Project using

I have created a project for my World History class. I am assigning them a event in WWII and they are going to create informational blogs about the event. To make this work well I am using to host the students' blogs.
On my classroom site I have more information about the project. In a couple weeks I will post links to the finished results of the student work.
I really wish I would have found out about this site earlier. I can see so many uses for in a classroom or school.
New Domain For The World History Blog
The new domain for the World History Blog is The old Blogspot domain will still work and should redirect to the new address. If you have links to the World History Blog on your blog or site, I would appreciate it if you...
History At The Academic Blog Portal
There is a new wiki project called the Academic Blog Portal. The FAQ at the site notes, "This is a portal that is intended to provide resources for (a) academic bloggers, and (b) people who want to read academic blogs. It is a first step towards Scott...
World History Blog Banned In India!
It is true. This blog has been banned by the Indian government and Internet Service Providers have been ordered to block this url. Am I really that subversive? Do I help to spread dissent or bad karma? Unfortunately, I am not alone. Millions of blogs...
History Carnival Xxi
History Carnival XXI. The 21st edition of the History Carnival is up. I am happy to say this blog got a mention. If you are looking for a variety of good posts made at history blogs recently, this is a good place to start. The concept of the History Carnival...
Nea Article On My Class Using Smartphones
The blogs made the National Education Association's site today. Specifically I was asked about my use of smartphones in the classroom. If you want some ideas (beyond what I have here on the blogs which you can find by using the search...
World History