World History
Artifacts show Ancient Nomads Sophisticated

Interesting New York Times story suggesting ancient nomads had a pastoral strategy that helped them maintain networks and thriving cultural exchanges. The evidence comes from burial mounds in the Altai Mountains of eastern Kazakhstan. Might be an interesting story to use when we teach the Mongols later this Spring.
Ancient Tools Unearthed In Australia
Humanity has been is Australia a long time. And a new find proves that humans were thriving there 35,000 years ago! Yahoo! has a story on it titled Ancient tools unearthed in Australia. The article notes, "Tools dating back at least 35,000 years have...
Pages Through The Ages
Pages through the Ages. Created by 5th-graders at Oak View Elementary School in Fairfax, Virginia, this site explores the geography, government, daily life, religion and technology of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. From the site: The prehistoric era...
A Cargo Colossus On The Sea
Here's a cargo ship as long as the Empire State Building is tall. It contains enough steel to build eight Eiffel Towers. It might be interesting to show kids how much trade has changed and how much the world has become a global marketplace,...
Walking Out Of Africa
One of my former teacher students Gregg Komitsky found this using his Twitter PLN. It is an interesting story about Pultizer Prize winning journalist and National Geographic Fellow Paul Salopek is undertaking an ambitious expedition to retrace on...
Djenne: A Tribute To Islam
If you're studying Africa, the New York times has an interesting story on the mosque in Djenne and its history as a central point for the diffusion of Islam. There is also a great slide show of the inside of the mosque....
World History