World History
Ancient-Skies - Human Cultures and Their Skies

Ancient-Skies - Human Cultures and Their Skies allows visitors to learn about the IYA2009 global scientific project. The aim is to collect and publish available information about various human cultures, their astronomical knowledge, and its representation in the sky within a single web accessible knowledgebase.
From the site:
The relationship between mankind and the sky is as old as mankind itself. Human beings started to recognize and interpret the objects and events in the sky as soon, as they had fulfilled their basic needs.
The sky, our common and universal heritage, forms an integral part of all human cultures around the world.The central theme of our project is, that all human beings live on one single planet and share the same sky. Knowing this, we created an infrastructure to preserve this global heritage in a web accessible knowledgebase.
International Polar Heritage Committee
International Polar Heritage Committee. This site provides a resource for those working to preserve and protect the non-indigenous human heritage of Antarctic and Arctic regions. It includes information about the organization, reference material, and...
Violent Atheists Of The 20th Century
I read an article in the September 11th, 2006 issue of Newsweek. It is called "The New Naysayers" and it discusses the arguments of several scholars who are currently advocating atheism. In the article, it describes the arguments of Richard Dawkins who...
Before The Dawn : Recovering The Lost History Of Our Ancestors
I just finished this excellent book which was written by Nicholas Wade. The author is a science reporter for the New York Times. The book covers a lot but the essence of the book is how the study of the human genome is allowing scientists and historians...
Wikinfo | History
Wikinfo | History This is the main history page at Wikinfo. It includes links to many of the categories for history articles at this encyclopedia.
From the site:
History is often used as a generic term for information about the past, e.g., as in...
Teaching World History: The Global Human Experience Through Time.
Teaching World History: The Global Human Experience through Time. This is a decent article which touches on the importnace of the study of world history. From the site: World history is the study of human history around the globe through time. World history...
World History