World History
Alexander the Great's Shield Found?

Has the shield (and crown) of Alexander the Great been found? Some archaeologists believe they have. Alexander the Great is regarded by many as the greatest general who ever lived. He died young at 32 and probably his biggest mistake was overextending his empire and failing to leave it to a single capable ruler.
An article titled Light cast on ancient Greek tomb has the details. It notes, "Archeologists say an ancient Greek tomb thought to belong to Alexander the Great's father is actually that of Alexander's half brother. Recent studies show that the artifacts found in the tomb are a generation more recent than previously thought, said Eugene N. Borza, professor emeritus of ancient history at Pennsylvania State University. Archeologists say the iron helmet, ceremonial shield and silver crown belonged to Alexander the Great himself but were then claimed by his half brother after his death."
Borza said, "We have several surviving coins issued in his own lifetime showing Alexander holding what appears to be a scepter of about that height."
If true, this is indeed exciting. I realize it is not possible to handle these items but I sure would love to touch something that Alexander owned and used.
Alexander The Great's Relationship With Alcohol
I read today an interesting article titled Alexander the Great's relationship with alcohol which is from the Addiction, 2003 May;98(5):561-7. It was written by J. A. Liappas, J. Lascaratos, S. Fafouti & G. N. Christodoulou. I could find no online...
Darius Iii Codomannus
Darius III Codomannus - A tribute to the Persian king defeated by Alexander the Great at Gaugamela in 331 BC. This site includes images, biographical and analytical articles, and links to ancient Persian Web resources. From the site: In 331 BC the Persian...
Who's Buried In Newly Discovered Alexander-era Tomb?
Could this elaborate tomb hold Alexander's mother,Olympias,or his wife, Roxana? Archaeologists believe it must hold someone very very important because the tomb is so magnificent. According to the BBC, the tomb includes "two magnificent caryatids....
Alexander The Not So Great: Through Persian Eyes
He destroyed the great capital of Persepolis and the temples and emblems of the ancient Zoroastrian religion. So, unlike Westerners who tend to see Alexander as a great conqueror and military genius, Iranians do not see him as so great. In an fascinating...
Alexander The Not So Great: History Through Persian Eyes
Interesting story about how differently Alexander the Great is perceived in Iran than in Greek influenced Western history books. "Indeed," the author argues, "reading some Western history books one might be forgiven for thinking that the Persians existed...
World History