Albert Einstein Interview
World History

Albert Einstein Interview

We are so used to looking at pictures of Albert Einstein, but here is actual footage and you can even hear him (and his accent) talking.  I like to show kids items such as this to literally bring people alive. 

- Classroom Management For Dummies
I just saw this on FreeTech4Teachers from Keith Hughes' growing library of mostly content videos.  I wish I had had it my first couple of years of teaching when I played the "who wants to go to the office game!"  Now I can proudly...

- Trench Warfare Video
) I was looking for images of trench warfare and came up with this video from the Battle of  the  Somme.  But it not only has that, but actual footage of the trenches (including some dead soldiers) as well as interviews with British soldiers...

- Chromebooks For Inexpensive Learning
I keep telling people that we are in the middle stage of converting from teaching using paper to a digital format.  As we move online, we will have cheaper and cheaper devices because all we will need is a delivery device.  If any of your students...

- Lascaux Cave In 3d
When we received our e-books this summer, I was glad to see that it included a link to the Lascaux cave website.  It literally blows the kids away when they see the pictures.  The video is done so well that if you are using a LCD, it will seem...

- Google + For Teachers
I hope you are going to be hearing a lot more about Google + as it might help teachers where Facebook has not.  While Facebook is just a tremendous way that teachers could have kids talking about assignments after hours, most school systems ban...

World History
