World History
8 Important Lessons Learned from '80s Cartoons

8 Important Lessons Learned from '80s Cartoons. Maybe this article is not history related but I think it is. What lessons did the cartoons from the '80s, (The Smurfs, G.I. Joe, He-Man, and The Transformers) teach children? Several cartoons seem to teach lessons which can be applied to history.
Here are a few:
CARTOON: The Smurfs, LESSON: Communism works! The 20th century showed repeatedly that communism is a miserable failure. It does not provide economic security for people and often results in famine due to mismanaged agriculture. Further, human rights such as religious freedom suffer. But hey, communism worked for the Smurfs! I wonder if this show was the genesis of the newest crop of American communists?
CARTOON: G.I. Joe, LESSON: Knowing is half the battle. Or, as the article notes, "Actually, we?re pretty certain that our strategy for the Iraq War was conceived after a two day long G.I. Joe marathon in the Pentagon. They just implicitly trusted that the good guys were going to win, that firing off our guns would make the bad guys run for the caves and that giving everyone cute nicknames was somehow endearing."
CARTOON: Transformers, LESSON: If we?re not careful, robots will kill us all. This is probably good advice for the future. Robots may yet be our doom.
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World History