World History
100 Chromebook Tips

Okay, so perhaps not all of you are jumping to get the Chromebook by Google, but I just got mine in the mail yesterday. If you are into "the cloud," it is a cheap ($500 for the version that gives you 100 mgs of free access a month and it obviously has wifi). It turns on in less than 10 seconds, and I quickly found an app that lets me split my windows so I can see two screens (which is big with me). It is a bit slow occasionally and you can't get Netflix (which my kids will care about) although that is coming, but if live on the cloud as I do it is 1/3rd the price of the Macbook Air (although you can't manipulate the screen as you will be able to do when it comes out in a few weeks). For my money it is also forcing me to do the few things I wasn't doing online (screen capture of pics and how to movies) on the Internet. Yes, I know I am ahead of people who still like to put their files on their computers, but the Chromebook is where we will all be in a few years. FINALLY, if you do purchase it, I found this lengthy document explaining how it works.
4 Ways To Screencast On A Chrombook
Right now my Macbook Air is on its last legs (pretty good after nearly five years) and I am toying with the idea of getting a Chromebook. But first I want to see if I can do everything I am used to (a big stumbling block is Blackboard Collaborate...
Chromebook Vs. Ipad
Thanks to Houghton Mifflin Hartcourt (HMH), I have started the process of comparing the iPad to the Chromebook. HMH gave my frosh 35 iPads to use for two months as well as their iPad e-books. Certainly (and we have the US, WH and government ones...
Chromebooks And Our Changing Schools
Okay, so you may have noticed that I rarely advocate for something that costs money on this site (other than perhaps these world war simulations and a few free books I get from time to time), but Google is onto something with Chromebooks. They aren't...
Smartphone As Your Computer
Sorry to be on such a smartphone kick, but I am trying to get used to my new phone quickly. As most of you know you can edit your Google Docs items from any mobile device. My students who have tried it get a kick out of working on their phone...
Cr-48 Google Cloud Computer
Initially I had hoped to have "won" a free one of the above laptops, but it will be my next one this summer (think Acer is going to produce it). If you are a fan of Internet (cloud computing) only computing, it will be the perfect computer for...
World History