World History
10,000 BC

I was fortunate enough to catch a showing of 10,000 BC at the theater the other day. I enjoyed it very much. I thought the plot was slow at points but it was good overall.
The film site notes of the film, "A prehistoric young mammoth hunter embarks on a journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his dying tribe."
While this is a good movie, it is not even an attempt at accurate pre-history. Nor was it meant to as the producer noted that this film is not a documentary. It was meant to be a good action-adventure set in the distant past.
I also caught the brief reference to an Atlantian influence on ancient Egypt. It becomes apparent that the scene of the final battle is the Nile River Valley. The tribes who help the hero are obviously African. The hero and his Mammoth hunting tribe probably come from the vicinity of Lebanon?
The villains of the movie are building pyramids. They are rumored to be survivors of an island which sank beneath the waves. I presume this is Atlantis. There is also a brief glance at a map of North Africa which is from an advanced civilization.
This movie is fun and worth seeing. However, keep your historical skepticism in check. There is no way to give an accurate description of 10,000 BC as there are no good accounts of the period. I appreciate the attempt though at the time period as good fiction.
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World History