"Remember the Ladies"--Women in the Curriculum.
World History

"Remember the Ladies"--Women in the Curriculum.

"Remember the Ladies"--Women in the Curriculum. This essay looks at the importance of teaching about the role of women in history.

From the site:

In March 1776, Abigail Adams implored her husband John to "...remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors...." This plea, unfortunately, did not affect the practical political behavior of John Adams and other founders of the United States. It was not until the 20th Amendment to the Constitution in 1919 that women throughout the United States gained a fundamental right of citizenship: the right to vote for representation in government.

The month of March, National Women's History Month, is an appropriate time to recall Abigail Adams' statement and to assess how women are treated in history and in other subjects of the social studies curriculum in schools. To what extent and how do social studies educators "remember the ladies" in curriculum development and teaching? This ERIC Digest examines (1) treatment of women in standard textbooks and curricula, (2) strategies for including women in the social studies curriculum, (3) available resources for teachers and students, and (4) justifications for improving treatment of women in the curriculum.

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World History
