World History
World's Most Typical Human
We just finished our India unit and now are into China so I showed the bottom video to our students. It is a great clip from National Geographic showing that the most typical person in the world is a Han Chinese man. There is more to it and it is captivating to the kids.
The top video looks at what having seven billion people on the earth means and why are numbers keep going up. It too will be enjoyed by your students.
Tips To Parents From A Teacher
Recently I finished Think Like a Freak which tries to get people to think differently. It briefly discusses education and says that if we are ever going to narrow the achievement gap and/or improve individual student performance we cannot do it...
Have Your Students Meet Foreign Students Online
Today one of my 9th grade classes had an usual experience. We had a video conference with a class of like aged students in Italy set up by Face to Faith. Yes the name gave me pause at first thinking about our First Amendment limitations, but...
Intro To China - World's Most Typical Person
This is how I will begin my unit on China. It is a great way to remind the kids that while they may be from the US, they are anything but typical. I love that my school has a growing Chinese and Indian immigrant population which makes those...
Flipping Class Within My Class
So I just completed Sal Kahn's new book titled The One World Schoolhouse. If you are interested in the history of his KahnAcademy or where he intends to take education, it is worth the $12, but be warned that it is woefully short on quantitative...
World Connections
I am constantly trying to connect what we are doing to do the lives of my students. This video on the iphone does a good job of showing kids how it impacts (positive and negative) our economy. For example we just finished ancient China and...
World History